Publications in the Media
Hi, I’m Victor MacGill. I write unboring articles about human patterns and my point of views to help readers reconnect with themselves, see new ways for making sense of their lives, and create thriving futures.
On this page, you’ll find a selection of my publications in the media. If you find them helpful, please share these articles with your friends and colleagues, so they can get inspired by a bit of wisdom too.

Shaken Awake
"When life gives you lemons, it pays to have a recipe for Lemonade at hand"
In Issue 49, 3 December 2022, of the New Zealand Listener, I wrote about how in an instant my wife’s and my regular routines ground to a halt, and our plans for the future, which we previously measured in years, immediately shrank to days.
We were able to make temporary arrangements, but anything after Christmas was a total void. Despite this fear and insecurity, a part of me felt more alive, shaken out of my humdrum life.
Are you curious to read more? You can download the PDF of this article below (no opt-in needed).
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