Privacy & Cookies Policy

I know, it’s not the most favourite page to read for people. But, I highly value your privacy and want to be open and transparent about how I gather and treat your precious personal data.

So please go ahead. I promise it’s not too boring 😉

It's all about transparency

I’d like to be transparent and provide information on how I use personal and non-personal data, cookies, and guarantee your privacy.

Collecting Personal Information

I collect personal information to be able to reach you, so that I can deliver my blog articles and courses, and invite you to my speaking events.
Just looking at my website and reading my articles doesn’t require you to give me any information at all, only a cookies consent box will appear. But if you leave a comment on my blog article, I do want and need to collect that information so I can continue to build a relationship with you.
I only send information to people who ask for it, such as taking my free course, buying my paid course, or filling out a contact form on my website.

Type of Personal Information

I only collect personal information that you voluntarily share with me. Subscribing to my email list and enrolling in my free course require only your first name and your email address. And if you reach out to me via a contact form, the only additional information I collect is your message.
When you purchase my paid course or enrol in my coaching services, this is a (not exhaustive) list of the data that I may ask you for:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Website
  • Mailing Address
  • Credit card information
  • Date of Birth
  • Your username/password
  • Your consent to receive my emails.

Use of Your Personal Information

I use your data to deliver information, courses and services to you. I also use it to help me learn about who my best clients are, and how to reach other people like them.
To send you emails, I use a reputable third party platform, called MailerLite, so I can see if you have sent me messages, and what free and paid courses or other services you are interested in or have purchased.

I do not store credit card information on any local systems. All payment information is stored within secure third party platforms, such as Stripe and Paypal, which guarantees secure collection and storage with high levels of encryption. I cannot see nor use your credit card number myself.

Course registration is managed by a WordPress, a reputable website platform.
Additionally, your purchase receipts and invoices are stored in the bookkeeping system used by my accountant.

My team has access to the data in my systems in order to do our jobs.

Non-Personal Information

Non-personal information is any data that does not identify you as a specific person. The purpose of these data is to help me understand how people use my website, my free resources, paid courses, and other services. I do this by using Google Analytics and cookies.
If at any time non-personal information is connected with your personal information, then it will all be considered personal information and I will treat it as such.

100% Not Sharing Your Information

I don’t consciously give out or sell your information to other businesses or organisations that would then promote their own products or services to you.

The only information sharing that occurs, is with my third party platforms that are the essential tools that I use to run my business. For example, your email address is stored within the MailerLite email platform, which I instruct to send you emails. Another example is that I instruct the payment platforms Stripe and Paypal to send you a purchase confirmation.
Those businesses all have their own privacy policies in place where they are not accessing your data without my accounts to send promotions to you or otherwise use your information for any reason.

Security and Protection

I only use reputable tools and third party platforms that are committed to high levels of security encryption.
I keep no physical (paper) documents with your personal information on file. All your data is collected and stored digitally.
My Privacy & Cookies Policy and procedural instruction documents direct all employees and contractors. My team will delete any information they may temporarily place in files so they can do their work, and to shred any paper copies and hand written notes once their work is complete.

You Retain Control

At any time, you can request to unsubscribe, ask me what types of your personal data I collect and how I use it, and let me know that you don’t wish to use (some of) your personal data.
I can entirely delete all your data from my email and course systems, with the exception of any purchase receipts that would remain in my bookkeeping system for at least seven years to meet tax obligations.
You can unsubscribe by using the personal link at the bottom of any email. Otherwise, you can send your requests or questions to victor [at] victormacgill [dot] com.

Policy Updates

This Privacy & Cookies Policy may be updated from time to time without notice to meet legal requirements, changed circumstances, or new insights regarding personal and non-personal information. I’ll make sure to update the date at the bottom of this page


I hope my Privacy & Cookies Policy offers clarity and transparency around your data. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask: victor [at] victormacgill [dot] com.

Kind regards,
Victor MacGill

Nelson, New Zealand,
24 August 2024

Victor MacGill, creator of The Science of Connecting

Hi, I'm Victor MacGill

Thanks for reading this policy. I wanted to make it easy to read, so I hope you now have a better idea of where I stand on this important privacy topic.

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