Papers That Present My Research
Hi, I’m Victor MacGill Ph.D. My research covers Complexity Sciences and Future Studies.
So far I have published 13 papers.
Before I graduated, I won the 2013 Sir Geoffrey Vickers Memorial Award for the best humanistic paper presented at the 57th ISSS conference.

Cynefin Framework
A complexity view on the world
Papers 2007 - 2023
My supervisor for my PhD was a futurist, so some papers are more futurist-oriented.
MacGill, V. R. D. (2007). A complexity perspective on work with offenders and victims of crime. E:CO, 9, 56–66.
MacGill, V. (2007). A complexity view of three Maori tribal groups of the South Island of New Zealand and the Moriori of the Chatham Islands. E:CO, 9(1-2), 67-76.
MacGill, V., (2011), A comparison of the Prochaska Cycle of Change and the Holling Adaptive Cycle: Exploring their ability to complement each other and possible applications to work with offenders, Systems Research and Behavioural Science, 28(5), 526-536.
MacGill, V. (2013), Developing a cybernetic lifestyle. Kybernetes, 42(9), 1424–1430.
MacGill, V. (2014), Convergence Gathering as an Example of a Medium-Scale Acephalous Group. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 31(5), 606–613. (This paper won the Sir Geoffrey Vickers memorial prize at the International Society for the Systems Sciences in Haiphong in 2013.)
MacGill, V. (2015), The Impact of the Christchurch Earthquakes on the Convergence gathering. Kybernetes, 44(8/9).
MacGill, V. (2015), Unravelling the myth/metaphor layer of Causal Layered Analysis. Journal of Future Studies, 20(1), 55-68.
MacGill, V. (2016), Three scales of acephalous operation, Systems, 4, 19,
MacGill, V., (2017), The rule of the jester king. Journal of Future Studies, March 2017.
MacGill, V., (2017), Reframing Cognitive Behaviour Theory from a systems perspective, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 10.1007/s11213-017-9440-9.
MacGill, V., (2018), A social cybernetic view of violence and some paradoxes of working with violent offenders. The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal. Vol 12, DOI: 10.2174/1874110X01812010020.
MacGill, V. (2023). The Dynamics of Life model. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 1– 12.
Non-peer Reviewed Papers
MacGill, V. R. D. (2015). Leadership issues in medium scale acephalous groups. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the ISSS – 2014 United States, 1(1)
more Ph.D. Research
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